"A Friendly Family Church "
| 2547 East Tremont Ave Bronx NY 10461 | Telephone (718-931-8760)|
Our Story
Our Mission
Our Ministries

"A Friendly Family Church"
Westchester Methodist Church formerly Westchester United Methodist Church became a new entity in 2023 as part of the disaffiliation process from the United Methodist Church .The former Westchester United Methodist Church was organized in 1808 and incorporated on March 8, 1809, making it the oldest church of that denomination in what is now called the Bronx. The society was originally named "Zion Methodist Episcopal Church of the town of Westchester." The first church edifice was erected about 1818 on Walker Avenue (now known as East Tremont Avenue), which was the road leading to West Farms, and the churchyard included a small cemetery. Zion Church was reincorporated on October 26, 1826, but it does not seem to have flourished, as the church corporation was dissolved by reason of non-use. The society was reincorporated a second time on February 7, 1833, under the name of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Zion in the town of Westchester.
We are Still Standing, Praising, and Moving in God's Glory
The first church was destroyed by fire at an unknown time, and the second church was built on the same site. On May 9, 1910, the roof of the second church was set ablaze when the nearby Morris Park Racetrack caught fire, after which the congregation decided that a brick church would be safer. From 1913 to 1948, the congregation worshiped in the roofed-over basement that was two-thirds below ground; throughout this period, the church was known as "The Eelpot Church" because an eelpot is two-thirds submerged below water. Finally, in 1948, the present brick church was constructed over the basement.
When you become a participating member at Westchester Methodist Church, you are joining a Family regardless of where you come from.
We share a common vision
We believe all people matter to God and that Christ’s message and ministry through the local church is the hope of the world. Together, as one family of Christ followers, we are fully committed to living out this vision in our families, neighborhoods, city, and world.
We share a common community
We were created for deep, authentic relationships with God and other people—and we share a unique community with other believers as members of the body of Christ. We are also called to serve this world for God’s purposes—a mission that Christ invites all of us to join, as part of His church.
We share a common commitment
We believe spiritual growth is a lifelong process. Membership at Westchester Methodist Church means affirming a commitment that express our devotion to Christ and to one another. This commitment keeps us all pointed in a common, biblical direction as we follow Jesus as members of this local church.
Church is much more than a Sunday morning experience. Join a ministry to really get to know your church family, and to make serving the Lord a bigger part of your Christian experience.We encourage you to use the gifts and abilities he’s given to carry out his work through ministry.
“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not have all the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4-5