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Pastoral  Staff


Rev. Dr. Gordon A.R. Edwards, Ph.D., Psy.D


An Adjunct Professor, Ordained UMC Pastor, Certified Spiritual Director, Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Life Coach, Mediator, & Mentor, Pastor Edwards passionate about people and leveraging soul-force on the side of the oppressed and marginalized. He is a trickster and believes  nurturing the Kid in you  is the best way to live. He laughs often  and he loves his Church family.

 Assistant Pastor

Rev. Beverly Hodges-Fairweather is an energetic, spirited woman of God.She is a remarkable teacher and often lends herself to youth and young adult Ministries she also coordinates the Mission Related Ministries and runs the Math & Science Tutoring sessions on Saturdays. Rev Fairweather  is someone  that you can depend on to advocate for you and your Ideas. She also loves plants.

Lay Minister

Ivy Dawson

Stewardship Related Ministries

Mrs. Dawson is a true student of the faith. She recently completed her ordination to become a Pastor in the Methodist Church System. She is serious and committed  to dedicating her talents to the lord.

Lay Minister

Rev. Sonia Jermin

Fluent in both Spanish & English , Rev. Jermin is a visionary, well organized and is committed  to ensuring that our Seniors   are balanced spiritually and socially. She spearheads activities that keeps the Seniors  well occupied.


Lay Minister

Deaconess Linda Douglas-Smith

Small Groups Ministries & Attendance  Building

Deaconess Smith leads the Sister to Sister Bible Study on Fridays and is a powerful woman of God. Caring and very approachable, she  is often the first to ask you how you are doing.


Lay Leader

Cora Doram

Cora sings , dances and have her hat in just about everything. She is the type of person that loves to be involved. She is invested in her church and in her community and as such she is always someone you can rely on.


Office Assistant

Elaine Ward

Ms. Ward is a straightforward,helpful person.

She enjoy helping others.


Office Assistant


Taj is awesome.


Lay Minister

Joshua Olabisi

Care Ministries

Originally  from Nigeria , Africa, Min. Olabisi is as wise as he is capable.An avid storyteller , retired Nurse  and a grandfather, he possesses patience and  a deep understanding of scripture.

He also is skilled in prayer and when he uplift others in prayer to the father , there is no doubt  that his is the kind of voice  the lord listens to.

Lay Minister

Earlwyn Benjamin

Prayer & Healing Ministries

Minister Benjamin is a prayer warrior.According to him, Prayer is a communication with God our heavenly Father. It is a process of constant listening and talking to God, even if we cannot see him with our physical eyes. Prayer helps us to build an authentic relationship with God. It is the most effective tool in experiencing peace and joy, even in the midst of our trials and tribulation. Prayer brings us to a state of dependency on God our father. Prayer is a free gift and there is no cost , but lots of rewards.



Brother Paul

He is awesome.



Roland Samuel

He is awesome in his efforts to liven up the service.


Min. of Music

Pat Savage

He is awesome.


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